There is most certainly a huge learning curve for learning how to navigate Etsy, at least for me!!! I just spent three hours filling out the information for one listing, uploading the photos (which took at least an hour) and uploading a video (because "It's good for sales"!) and unfortunately none of it ended up on my shop!
These little gems are created with upcycled treasure such as
maps, sheet music, mono prints and other exotic papers that have been altered utilizing
treatments and techniques using acrylic mediums and other art supplies to give
the cards the depth of color, sheen and textures that add up to the artwork.
Each Girlfriend Card is a unique piece of handmade original art created by me. The quotes used are heartfelt and positive affirmations to send to your BFF to uplift and honor. The cards evoke a powerful message and shine with your encouragement and love. These cards are suitable for framing, so the message can be reaffirmed daily. Enjoy!
So out of frustration I will at least post some of the photos here:
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