I wanted to let everyone who is still interested in committing to 52 weeks to a better life that I have created a private chat room over at chatzy.com and that our room is password protected. It's important to me that everyone feels safe in this environment. I would like to think that we can go as deep as needed and still feel supported so it is imperative that we remain positive and be understanding of others feelings. Please leave a comment below so that I may email you the password.
Funny thing Synchronicity! I wonder about it all the time, my life is so full of little synchronicties. For instance; I've been doing an online workshop, Vision Journaling, with True North Arts led by Kathryn Antyr the Collage Diva. There have been many synchronistic miracles for me since delving into that workshop on envisioning your dreams. Here's just one. It's week five and Kathryn sent us the Wayne Dyer's, Excuses Begone affirmations from his site. She put them on ATC sized cards and posted them on the workshop website. So, I accidentally came across that deck of cards that I have been working on. I only saved the unattractive little things because somewhere along my rambling travels on the Internet, I found a lady talking about how you should make something ugly everyday. So, anyway as I worked with these cards trying new techniques and working with new materials I managed to make lots of ugly things. I would love to give that lady credit because as I ma...
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