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Online Workshop!

I am so excited because I just started my very first online workshop with True North Arts! It's a six week online course on Vision Journaling with Kathryn Antyr. Kathryn mentioned heart and soul, positive intentions, obstacles and strategies, vision journal and cards, which are all phrases that are definitely on my current radar. Blip! Blip! Blip!
Then I saw Shakti Gawain's name was mentioned and her book Creative Visualization, which took me back 20 years. After reading and practicing Shakti's Creative Visualization, I enrolled myself in the HCH Hypnotherapy Certification Program and became a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Ok! I was sold. But there's more. The open-ended format of an online workshop and the short list of materials needed made this absolutely irresistible to me.
Each Monday we receive a prompt by way of email to a blog, where there are instructions. I was very please to find an easy to follow set of instructions that were so much more that what I had expected. Thought and guidance in abundance. Lesson 1 was on Relaxation. There was an introduction and overview and a personal story to help us along. There are tons of photos worth a thousand words and it was really fun! I think I'm going to enjoy the next six weeks. There's still time to sign up, the deadline isn't till August sometime. Just go to True North Arts or Collage Diva Ok, now here's a kicker you weren't expecting, it's only $20.00. Yes, $20.00.
Join up and have fun.
I've loaded my collage and affirmations on to Flickr


  1. Wow this sounds like a really great online class. Love you

  2. Very thoughtfull post on creative visualization.It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Creating Power


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