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Showing posts from January, 2022
I was reading a blog that asked the question; "Who inspires you?". I've been inspired by so many! I'll list a few.  The links attached to the artist are just their latest videos. I hope you have time to take a look at what these fabulous artists are doing. Jane Davies Adele Sypoensteyn Everybody @ Stencil Girl Louise Fletcher Donna Downey Elizabeth St Hilaire Robyn McClendon This is by no means a complete list.  I think I will do more posts like this to honor all the artists that have inspired me and many others! Have a great day!
I'm really pleased to tell you all that one of my collage pieces has been accepted to show at a local gallery here in town!! The name of the piece is I'm Exploding with Ideas.   The show is called Cut & Paste and opens February 4, 2022. The show continues until the end of March. The gallery also offered to carry an assortment of my greeting cards...Yay me!
For all you locals!!!  I have my cards in two shops in town so far.  Please visit the Ukiah Co-op and also the Mendocino Book Company and see my work in person!!! Sheryl from Mendocino Book Company suggested that I use local maps for my Girlfriend Cards.  Wow!! What a perfect!  Great idea Sheryl, thank you so much.  I will definitely find local maps to use for my Girlfriend Cards to make them even more special.  I'm pursuing a few more shops in town and also in areas close to us.  I'm having so much fun!  What else is there for a retiree like me?  Here are some of my Valentine's Day Cards that were chosen.  Till you guys!
 For Valentine's Day, I love you to pieces! These are my favorite because they remind me of a bouquet of flowers. And each card comes with a heart on the outside of the envelope.
 Piles of box neutrals!  Yummyness!