I was reading a blog that asked the question; "Who inspires you?". I've been inspired by so many! I'll list a few. The links attached to the artist are just their latest videos. I hope you have time to take a look at what these fabulous artists are doing. Jane Davies Adele Sypoensteyn Everybody @ Stencil Girl Louise Fletcher Donna Downey Elizabeth St Hilaire Robyn McClendon This is by no means a complete list. I think I will do more posts like this to honor all the artists that have inspired me and many others! Have a great day!
I'm really pleased to tell you all that one of my collage pieces has been accepted to show at a local gallery here in town!! The name of the piece is I'm Exploding with Ideas. The show is called Cut & Paste and opens February 4, 2022. The show continues until the end of March. The gallery also offered to carry an assortment of my greeting cards...Yay me!